Chicago Lawyer Magazine Archives | Clifford Law Offices
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    Robert A. Clifford Writes Article for Chicago Lawyer About the Value of a Life
    Posted on December 27, 2021 To

    Robert A. Clifford Writes Article for Chicago Lawyer About the Value of a Life

    Robert A. Clifford, Founder and Senior Partner at Clifford Law Offices, wrote an article titled, “Valuing ‘Worth’ Of A Life” for Chicago Lawyer Magazine’s December 2021 edition. In this article, Bob writes about how September 11, 2021, marked 20 years following the tragic attacks on our country. In connection with that event, the Netflix movie, “Worth” was released. The movie is based on the events that followed the attacks, including how Congress set up the…

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    Bob Clifford Authors Article on Lawyers’ Wellness
    Posted on February 27, 2019 To

    Bob Clifford Authors Article on Lawyers’ Wellness

    Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, authored an article on lawyers’ wellness entitled, “Finding a Balance.” The column appeared in the February issue of the Chicago Lawyer and it described the need for lawyers to “find a balance” in one’s work life in order to be more productive and happier. Clifford wrote about the several studies that have been conducted recently on the issue and how bar associations are tackling…

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