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    Posted on May 8, 2013 To

    Part IV – Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice Lawsuits with Susan Capra, Partner at Clifford Law Offices, and Nurse – The First Steps in Determining If You Have a Case

    Question: How do I choose an attorney to investigation a potential malpractice claim? Susan: That’s a good question. Medical malpractice is a very distinct and specialized type of law. You want to choose an experienced medical malpractice attorney — an attorney who deals with these types of cases and who has handled these cases in the past. Most law firms now have websites and you can go to the website of the law firm and…

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    Posted on May 7, 2013 To

    Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice, Part III, with Susan Capra, Partner at Clifford Law Offices and Nurse – Medical Records in Medical Malpractice Cases

    Question: If I think I have been a victim of medical malpractice, what should I do? Susan: I think it’s a good idea to begin documenting. Document what happened. Document everything that happens after the malpractice. Dates of surgery, lab results, if you have a CT scan, the results of the CT scan. Document the names of the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers involved. Question: Times, places of conversations? Susan: Absolutely. And you may…

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    Posted on May 6, 2013 To

    Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion: Are these Events Common?

    When the Texas fertilizer plant explosion occurred on April 17, 2013, it signaled a need to understand how often these types of events occur. The answers – spanning nearly the course of a century – may be an indicator of where we could be headed. History Repeats Itself   Since 1921, there have been at least 17 unintended explosions of ammonium nitrate worldwide, according to the Guardian. Six of these happened in the U.S., and…

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    Posted on May 6, 2013 To

    Civics is Still Important

    The premier of Constitution USA, the new PBS mini-series about our nation’s founding document, will air on WTTW starting this Tuesday (May 7, 2013) at 8 p.m. NPR’s Peter Sagal takes a cross-country motorcycle ride to tell the story of modern Constitutional controversies. He tries to make civics engaging and relevant. The American Bar Association and its iCivics program has partnered with PBS to produce this series that will explain issues such as federal v….

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    Posted on May 3, 2013 To

    FAQ’s – Medical Malpractice Questions Part II with Susan Capra

    Question: Should I consider a medical malpractice lawsuit if I have had a bad result? Susan: It depends; a bad result may or may not indicate medical malpractice. Simply because a patient experiences a complication, that does not necessarily mean that there has been malpractice. A bad outcome may be what prompts the client to contact an attorney, but further investigation needs to be done to determine if in fact there was malpractice. The only…

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    Posted on May 1, 2013 To

    How to Properly Play SOJ

    Clifford’s Notes, Chicago Lawyer May 1, 2013 By Robert A. Clifford The issue of recusal arose recently in the matter involving the misuse of campaign funds by Jesse Jackson Jr., and his wife, Sandra, both of whom pleaded guilty. On Feb. 20, U.S. District Judge Robert L. Wilkins, who was assigned the case and will sentence the former congressman on June 28 and his wife on July 1, wrote a four-page memorandum regarding the parties’…

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    Posted on April 30, 2013 To

    Robert Clifford on Faulty Stryker Hip Replacement Devices

    Hip replacement surgery is a very serious decision. Generally after suffering from arthritic hips, or other joint problems that can be very painful, thousands of people feel their only alternative is surgery to make them better. After carefully choosing a doctor who will perform the surgery, the patient is in the hospital, maybe for days, and then faces months of physical therapy, all in the hopes of a pain-free life that will allow them once…

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    Posted on April 30, 2013 To

    Boeing 787 Dreamliner: A Timeline of Events

    Ever since the battery fires aboard the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft earlier this year, it appeared as though the Dreamliner was anything but a dream. After months of investigations, testing and modifications, Boeing and its luxury 787 Dreamliner jets appear to be finally ready for a second chance. Here’s a rundown of events from fires to flights: Photo Credit: Kentaro IEMOTO@Tokyo (Creative Commons) Dreamliner Batteries Up in Smoke After the Jan. 7, 2013 battery fire…

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    Posted on April 23, 2013 To

    Robert Clifford Participates in Sacco and Vanzetti – Anatomy of a Trial

    April 23, 2013 The American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Litigation hits town Wednesday (April 24, 2013) for a three-day conference and among the highlights of the programming is an all-day Anatomy of a Trial. Top trial lawyers from around the country will dissect the elements of a trial using the famous Sacco and Vanzetti trial as a backdrop for discussion. The case involved two Italian immigrants who held anarchist views in the 1920s and…

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