Bob Clifford Writes Article About "Ridesharing" Services | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Bob Clifford Writes Article About “Ridesharing” Services

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    Posted on June 4, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices and monthly columnist for the Chicago Lawyer magazine, wrote his May, 2014 column entitled, “Taxi Alternatives Need To Take Responsibility”. The article deals with the growing controversy of the so-called “ridesharing” services, most notably UberX. Clifford discusses the troubling reality that, as the law currently stands, ride-sharing providers such as UberX face a competitive advantage over regular taxi services in Chicago in that they are not regulated to the same degree, and that these companies reap the benefits of the service they provide but refuse to accept responsibility for the injuries their drivers cause under theory that they are not transportation providers, but rather technology companies. Lack of insurance also is a major concern for those who use this service. Read Bob Clifford’s recent analysis of the dangers that come with ride-sharing.