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    Posted on March 12, 2013 To

    More than 220,000 Sign Petition Asking Kraft to Remove Dyes in Macaroni & Cheese

    Two North Carolina women who are also food bloggers learned about two additives contained in the popular Kraft Macaroni & Cheese that are banned in various European countries yet still are in the product on U.S. store shelves. They started a petition to have the additives removed. So far, more than 220,000 people have signed the petition asking Kraft to remove yellow dye 5 and yellow dye 6 from the popular food. The two women,…

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    Posted on February 4, 2013 To

    Forget Cold Medicine for Your Youngster and Other Practical Advice

    Have you seen the blog written by Dr. Howard J. Bennett? He’s a Washington, D.C. board-certified pediatrician who, when he’s not seeing patients, writes books and some very practical advice for moms. One of his latest tips was published in The Washington Post newspaper about how “Research has repeatedly shown that cold medicines don’t work for children younger than 6.” He goes on to say that these store-bought, often self-prescribed remedies provide only negligible benefit…

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    Posted on January 29, 2013 To

    Carcinogen Found in Children’s Bedding Products

    As many new mothers have found, getting new bedding products for your infant may seem like a special day – changing pads, mattress pads, car seats and other products you buy at your local toy or department store may seem new, but some also have that “funny” smell. Initially, you may attribute it to being wrapped in plastic because the smell dissipates over time. Now comes word that some of these common products sold in…

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