Former CLO Client Molly Akers Featured on NBC News for Her Work with Boston Bombing Victim's Charity MR8 | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Former CLO Client Molly Akers Featured on NBC News for Her Work with Boston Bombing Victim’s Charity MR8

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    Posted on April 16, 2014 To

    Molly Akers is set to run this year’s Boston Marathon on Monday in honor of Martin Richard, the youngest of the 3 victims of last year’s brutal attacks. Akers took up running because, as she puts it, “I needed something to do after my whole ordeal.” The ordeal she is referring to is an incident involving Akers having a healthy breast removed by an Illinois Hospital. The surgeon removed her right breast due to an alleged mislabeling of a pathology specimen, but Akers did not have breast cancer. Clifford Law Offices filed a suit on her behalf in 2005, and her story was a key aspect of the fight against capping the recovery of non-economic damages in Illinois. Akers was deeply disturbed by last year’s attack at the marathon, and once she saw a picture of young Martin holding a sign that read, “No more hurting people, PEACE,” she felt the need to reach out, and to her pleasure, MR8 reached back. “The Richards are giving me all this opportunity to step back in the race course in wake of their own tragedy. They are changing people’s momentum, people’s lives,” said Akers on NBC News on Tuesday, April 15th. Thus far, the Richard’s foundation has raised more than $938,000 that will be invested in education, athletics, and the community, according to NBC News. To see the full piece, click here. Click Here to Donate to Molly’s Fundraising Page.