How Our Lawyers Connect with Clients During COVID-19
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    How Our Lawyers Connect with Clients During COVID-19

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    Posted on May 21, 2020 To

    Sarah King, partner at Clifford Law Offices, led a session for the Illinois State Bar Association sharing tips that our personal injury attorneys follow on staying connected during COVID-19. Click below to watch the video.

    Sarah’s Six Tips for Lawyers to Stay Connected with Clients During COVID 19 are:

    1. Make contact with each of your clients. While this might feel overwhelming, she suggests making a list then scheduling check-ins daily.
    2. Always see how they are doing before jumping into information on their case.
    3. Understand what your medically vulnerable clients are going through as it relates to COVID- 19 (ask them questions, this may affect their case).
    4. Be a reliable source of information (be aware of what is going on, as it relates to their case).
    5. Be real with your client (talk to them about case delays and other thing facts on the case).
    6. Leave your client with a positive message and be available to help them (let them know work is happening just remotely)

    Watch the ISBA 6 Tips for Talking to Your Clients During COVID-19 video.