Kevin Durkin Speaking at National Aviation Conference
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    Kevin Durkin Speaking at National Aviation Conference

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    Posted on February 11, 2021 To
    Kevin Durkin Speaking at National Aviation Conference

    Kevin P. Durkin, partner at Clifford Law Offices, will be speaking at the 55th Annual Southern Methodist University (SMU) Air Law Symposium on March 24-25.

    Durkin will be speaking on the consolidated litigation in federal district court in Chicago against Boeing involving the deaths of 157 people when a 737 MAX aircraft crashed in Ethiopia in March, 2019. Clifford Law Offices represents 72 families who lost loved ones in that crash. Durkin has been involved in nearly every major commercial airline crash in the U.S. in the last four decades, often serving as lead counsel.

    The SMU Air Law Symposium is the oldest and largest annual aviation law symposium in the world. Recently, there have been numerous events that have changed the aviation landscape that will be discussed at the Symposium. More than 500 aviation lawyers and industry representatives attend the event that will be held virtually this year.

    The symposium offers continuing education credit, networking opportunities and the exploration of a wide variety of aviation law topics.

    Early-bird registration ends Feb. 28, 2021. To register for the Symposium, go to or email

    For more information about the Symposium, click here.