Kristofer Riddle and Charles Haskins to Moderate Chicago Bar Association Seminar: January 16, 2020 | Clifford Law Offices
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    Kristofer Riddle and Charles Haskins to Moderate Chicago Bar Association Seminar: January 16, 2020

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    Kristofer Riddle and Charles Haskins to Moderate Chicago Bar Association Seminar: January 16, 2020

    Clifford Law Offices Associates, Kristofer S. Riddle and Charles R. Haskins, will be moderators at the Chicago Bar Association continuing legal education seminar: Motion Practice in Cook County Circuit Court’s Law Division, on January 16, 2020. 

    The Chicago Bar Association is one of the oldest and most active metropolitan bar associations in the United States, founded in 1874. One of their objectives is to establish and maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law by sponsoring and supporting continuing legal education programs covering new developments in all fields of law.

    The panel will be made up of judges whose decisions impact the most important aspects, and the future courses, of your cases:

    • Hon. James P. Flannery, Jr., Presiding Judge, Law Division, Trial Section, Circuit Court of Cook County
    • Hon. Patricia O’Brien Sheahan, Circuit Judge, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County
    • Hon. Moira S. Johnson, Associate Judge, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County
    • Hon. James E. Snyder, Associate Judge, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County
    • Hon. Rena M. Van Tine, Associate Judge, Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County


    • Motions in Room 2005, including Motions to Consolidate, Motions for Voluntary Dismissal and Fictitious Name Orders
    • Preparation for Trial
    • Motions in Limine and Post Trial Motions
    • Commercial Litigation Section: News and Practice Pointers

    Prepare yourself to appear before them by learning the law and hearing what is expected from you. This program cannot be missed if you practice in the Circuit Court’s Law Division:

    Motion Practice in Cook County Circuit Court’s Law Division

    January 16, 2020, from 2:00-5:00pm.

    The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, IL.

    2.75 IL PR-MCLE Credit, subject to approval

    In-person Cost:

    $0 CLE-Advantage Plan Member
    $80 Member
    $160 Nonmember

    See the details and register here.