Latest Update: Passengers Involved in Megabus Accident Arrive In Chicago | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Latest Update: Passengers Involved in Megabus Accident Arrive in Chicago

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    Posted on October 15, 2014 To

    After more than 15 hours after at least 18 people were injured in Megabus overturning near Indianapolis on northbound I-65, passengers arrived in Chicago, according to ABC 7 Chicago. Indiana State Police reported to the press that the accident resulted when the bus driver swerved to avoid a disabled car on the wet road, causing the double-decker topple over, ABC 7 Chicago reported. According to Indiana State Police Sgt. Rich Myers, the events were as follows: “[The car] was stopped there, and the bus came along and clipped him in the rear end, causing a pinball effect. The car goes to the right-hand side into the ditch, and the bus goes off to the median where it strikes the cable barriers and overturns,” according to the IndyStar newspaper. Upon arriving in Chicago, one passenger described the aftermath of the incident as “total panic and chaos,” while another, when asked if he would ever ride a Megabus again, responded, “Hell, no! Never again,” ABC 7 Chicago reported. Unfortunately, this accident was one in a chain of major incidents involving Megabus coach buses as federal records obtained by the ABC investigative team revealed 15 similar crashes across the country in the past two years, ABC 7 Chicago reported. Attorneys at Clifford Law Offices represent four people who were injured in an Aug. 2, 2012 Megabus accident on I-55 in Illinois when a left tire blew out, causing the bus to veer off the road and enter the media where it struck a guardrail and then a concrete bridge structure. One person died in that terrible tragedy and several others were injured.