Ralph Nader, Uncle of Samya Rose Stumo Killed in Boeing Crash, Asks FAA Head to End Secrecy as Ungrounding of 737 Max Looms | Clifford Law Offices
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    Ralph Nader, Uncle of Samya Rose Stumo Killed in Boeing Crash, Asks FAA Head to End Secrecy as Ungrounding of 737 Max Looms

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    Posted on November 13, 2020 To
    Ralph Nader, Uncle of Samya Rose Stumo Killed in Boeing Crash, Asks FAA Head to End Secrecy as Ungrounding of 737 Max Looms

    Ralph Nader, the uncle of Samya Rose Stumo who was killed in the Boeing 737 Max 8 crash in 2019, wrote a letter asking the FAA head to end secrecy as ungrounding of the 737 Max looms. Read the letter here.