Four Students Hurt in Northside Prep Lab Explosion | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Four Students Hurt in Northside Prep Lab Explosion

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    Posted on February 19, 2014 To

    Four students reportedly were injured in an explosion during a cooking class at Northside Prep High School on Chicago’s North Side. Students reportedly were heating hot chocolate in a lab Wednesday (2/19/14) morning when the explosion occurred. One student was taken to Masonic Medical Center with injuries that were reported to be non-life-threatening. Two other students were taken in fair to serious condition to Swedish Covenant Hospital and a fourth student was taken there in good condition, according to early media reports. The explosion occurred about 10:35 a.m. at the school located at 5501 N. Kedzie Av., police told the press. As a safety precaution, students reportedly were evacuated after the explosion.