Summer Equals Work Zone Fatalities...and Fines | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Summer Equals Work Zone Fatalities…and Fines

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    Posted on May 24, 2013 To

    With the summer season lurking around the corner, it’s not just mercury that’s on the rise; work zone fatalities also tend to spike during this time of year.

    In 2008 alone, the Federal Highway Administration reported 720 work zone fatalities, and most occurred during the months of June, September and October. With June on the horizon, there is no better time to remind motorists to slow down in work zones and prevent fatalities by paying attention to the posted speed limit signs. In Illinois, the speed limit in work zones is usually 45 m.p.h. even when workers are not present.

    Pay the Fine, Do the Time

    The state of Illinois takes work zone fatalities very seriously; in 2012, there were more than 7,000 work zone motor vehicle crashes, 19 of which were fatal. Penalties for speeding in a work zone are steep at a minimum of $375. The consequences of hitting a worker include up to a $10,000 fine and up to 14 years in prison. Clearly, the “need for speed” can end up costing a lot more than just a few hundred dollars.

    Representation for those Injured in Work Zones

    When someone is injured in a work zone, it can disrupt not only their livelihood but also their entire life. There can be physical, psychological, emotional and monetary damages that need to be addressed. Clifford Law Offices has experience representing victims in construction liability cases, including some with significant settlements. For example, the construction accident attorney team at Clifford Law Offices reached a $750,000 settlement for a client whose car was sideswiped by a trailer in a construction zone. Work zone accidents fall under the category of construction liability, and victims of these situations deserve an experienced attorney who can help them seek justice for their losses. For more information please call Clifford Law Offices at (312) 899-9090.