Truck Accident Settlement and Verdict Highlights
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    Truck Accident Settlement and Verdict Highlights

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    Posted on March 2, 2022 To
    Truck Accident Settlement and Verdict Highlights

    Over the past decades, Clifford Law Offices has developed a highly skilled team of truck accident attorneys who have handled cases resulting in large and record-setting verdicts and settlements. Our firm understands how trucking companies and their insurers operate and use detailed investigation, tact, and a thorough understanding of trucking laws to consistently obtain top results for their clients, making Clifford Law Offices an industry leader within this practice area.

    Statistically, accidents involving a truck have a much higher potential to leave a victim in critical condition or cause a fatality. Our Chicago-based truck accident attorneys meet your needs with compassion and commitment, knowing that you or your loved one may be suffering for years to come, and seek the physical, emotional, and financial compensation deserved. 

    Every truck accident is unique and requires an individualized approach that considers a multitude of factors possibly including the driver, the manufacturer, road conditions, and how the truck was loaded, among other variables. The lawyers at Clifford Law Offices meet these challenges head-on with the goal of uncovering the truth and holding those responsible accountable for their negligence. 

    Clifford Law Offices recently published a truck accident timeline that highlights the firm’s successes in settlements and verdicts from truck accidents throughout our many years of experience. Some key case results from our years in practice include:

    2004 – $38.3 Million Verdict 
    A mother and her two children were involved in a devastating truck-car collision on Interstate 90. The mother and one child survived. This was the largest verdict in Illinois that year involving a motor vehicle crash and was featured as one of the Top 100 Verdicts in the National Law Journal in 2005.

    2008 – $9.05 Million Settlement
    A married couple was killed while driving north on Interstate 55 when a van, heading in the opposite direction, crossed the road and struck them head-on.

    2014 – $11 Million Settlement
    A 55-year-old man sustained head injuries that caused permanent cognitive and neurological impairments, along with extensive burns, after his car was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer truck and burst into flames.

    2015 – $20 Million Settlement
    A 47-year-old man sustained fractures and internal injuries, leaving him permanently disabled when a tanker truck, carrying hazardous materials, t-boned his vehicle.

    2021 – $18.15 Million Verdict
    A 17-year-old sustained a traumatic brain injury and serious internal injuries that necessitated an airlift to Stroger Hospital when a truck driver, driving for a large trucking company and under the direction of a national shipper, lost control and crashed onto the shoulder of a highway, striking the teen. At the time of the crash, the plaintiff was lawfully on the shoulder of a highway determining if the brake lights and tail lights on his trailer were working. The plaintiff requires a lifetime of future therapy and caretaking services.

    To read the full list of our trucking case highlights, click here

    Clifford Law Offices is prepared to assist you with your truck accident case, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. The firm’s proven track record of success with litigating trucking accidents speaks for itself. Call our office at (312) 899-9090 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.