Volkswagen Class Action Settlement | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Volkswagen Class Action Settlement

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    Posted on October 25, 2016 To

    The federal judge handling the Volkswagen Class Action lawsuits in the U.S. approved a $14.7 billion settlement Tuesday, October 25th.

    The Northern District of Illinois federal court said in its Executive Summary that “The goal of the Volkswagen Class Settlement Program is to compensate everyone who owned or leased a Volkswagen or Audi 2.0-liter TDI vehicle (“Eligible Vehicle”) on September 18, 2015 (the date the emissions allegations became public), or who now owns an Eligible Vehicle.”

    The class action was filed last year after it was discovered that VW had scammed the vehicle emissions testing procedures so that it would show that these vehicles emitted less pollutants. Consumers who owned or leased the affected vehicles will be compensated from a single fund that VW reportedly agreed to create.

    Specific information about the settlement can be found at the following link for owners as well as lessees of the cars.

    With approval of the settlement, Clifford Law Offices is no longer reviewing cases involving the VW emissions.

    If you have a Volkswagen that you believe is part of the nationwide settlement, you should immediately consult the Notice of Settlement you received from VW. That Notice contains important information concerning your rights and important dates for deadlines that you must meet so as to protect your rights. A failure by you to read your Notice and follow the instructions may threaten certain rights to recovery. Do not delay in reviewing your Notice and complying with its terms.

    You can go directly to Volkswagen’s website to read about the settlement here.