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    Posted on July 8, 2013 To

    Fire Rescue Truck Runs Over One of Victims

    Rescue Truck Runs Over One of the Victims Ejected from Asiana Airlines Plane Crash; Two Pilots in Training on Tragic Saturday Flight to San Francisco in Control; Clifford Law Offices has learned that one of the Chinese girls ejected from the plane in the crash of Asiana Airlines Flight 214 who died was run over by a fire truck during the ensuing rescue efforts on the ground at San Francisco International Airport Saturday. The coroner…

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    Posted on June 25, 2013 To

    Will Hours-of-Service Updates Improve Trucking Safety?

    The compliance date for the Hours of Service Final Rule from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) goes into effect on July 1, 2013. With new guidelines for commercial driving time and rest breaks, the final rule is poised to create safer roadways for both truckers and commuters. Trucking Safety Then and Now Before the final rule was announced by FMCSA on December 22, 2011, commercial truck drivers were allowed to work up to…

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    Posted on April 22, 2013 To

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About Trucking Accidents by Shannon McNulty, Clifford Law Offices — Part III, Rules Governing Truck Drivers

    Question: Do the same rules of the road apply for trucks that apply to buses? Shannon: For the most part, they do as they apply to the drivers of passenger vehicles. However, you know, more than anything that is important for the drivers of all commercial vehicles to really understand and appreciate the significance of the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations. Question: What information can be obtained from a truck’s black box? Shannon: When you…

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    Posted on April 17, 2013 To

    FAQ’s on Trucking Accidents, Part II — What Should I Know if I Become Involved in an Accident with a Truck? by Shannon McNulty of Clifford Law Offices

    Question: What should I do if I become involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle truck? Shannon: I think the first thing you need to do as in any accident is to stay calm and determine if you need medical help or if anyone else involved in the accident requires medical attention. In that instance, you want to call 911. Once you determine if there is any medical needs, you want to allow the…

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    Posted on April 17, 2013 To

    Frequently Asked Questions on Trucking Accidents by Shannon McNulty of Clifford Law Offices – Part I

    Question: What is a commercial vehicle? Shannon: It’s essentially any vehicle that engaged in commerce that’s an easy way to remember it. When we speak of commerce, we think of the transportation of goods or live stock, the transportation of people. Question: Are there any special rules or regulations that govern commercial vehicles? Shannon: Actually the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations (FMCSR) as well as the state’s regulations will govern the operation of commercial vehicles….

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    Posted on March 26, 2004 To

    $38.3 Million Verdict Rendered by Cook County Injury in Truck-Car Collision

    A $38.3 million verdict was returned March 26 by a Cook County Circuit Court jury on behalf of a west suburban family who was tragically devastated by a multiple truck-car crash on I-90 near Rockford in 1999. The three-man-nine-woman jury deliberated five days before rendering the verdict against three trucking firms who caused the pile-up Feb. 12, five years ago. Four year old Teagan Yoder was killed when the car in which she and her…

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