Clifford Law Offices Obtains Record Settlement in Dog Bite Case
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    Clifford Law Offices Obtains Record Settlement in Illinois in Dog Bite Case

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    Clifford Law Offices Obtains Record Settlement in Illinois in Dog Bite Case

    Tracy A. Brammeier, partner at Clifford Law Offices, obtained a record settlement in Illinois of $4.3 million for injuries to a 61-year-old woman who was mauled by a pit bull mix. The previous record for such a case in the state was $1.3 million, according to the Jury Verdict Reporter.

    The female plaintiff reached out earlier this year to a Chicago area animal shelter to foster any type of breed and was given what was described as “a sweet boy” and “a good dog.”

    She took the dog home, and about two weeks later, the dog attacked the woman without provocation, leaving her with severe and permanent injuries.

    “The animal shelter should have better screened the dog before it gave it to unsuspecting dog lover who only wanted to give it a good home,” Brammeier said after the settlement. “The dog was returned to the shelter from its previous home after just a few days, and the shelter should have investigated its unstable and aggressive nature.”

    The plaintiff from Chicago’s western suburbs suffered severe mauling injuries to both of her forearms and to one thigh. She was inpatient for two months and required several surgeries and skin grafts.

    The case was settled on November 15, 2023, before the Hon. Frank Andreou of the Cook County Circuit Court.

    Defense counsel was Shipra Mehta at Costello Ginex & Wideikis, PC.

    For further information, please contact Clifford Law Offices Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909 (cell).